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Food Packets for through Flood Relief Camp SDM Sadar, Mathura

Rotary Club Mathura Central

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Food Packets for through Flood Relief Camp SDM Sadar, Mathura

20/07/2023 10:00 am

The Rotary Club of Mathura Central has exhibited tremendous generosity and compassion in the face of adversity by stepping up to support flood victims in their time of need. Recognizing the urgent requirement for sustenance, the club’s members rallied together to provide essential food supplies to those affected by the floods.

In a heartwarming display of solidarity, the Rotary Club of Mathura Central swiftly swung into action. On the initial day of their relief efforts, the club orchestrated the distribution of nourishing essentials – bread and milk – to the flood survivors gathered in the relief camps. This act of kindness not only offered immediate nourishment but also conveyed a powerful message of care and empathy to the flood-affected individuals and families.

Undeterred by the magnitude of the challenge, the Rotary Club of Mathura Central persisted in their endeavor to alleviate the suffering caused by the floods. On the subsequent day, they continued their benevolent mission by coordinating the distribution of 100 packets of dry food items. These vital supplies were disbursed in partnership with the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) of Sadar, Mathura, ensuring an organized and efficient channel for assistance.

The Rotary Club’s collaborative approach, working alongside local authorities, exemplified their commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those grappling with the aftermath of the floods. Through these concerted efforts, they not only provided essential sustenance but also fostered a sense of hope and support within the flood-affected community.

In times of crisis, acts of kindness like these remind us of the immense capacity for compassion that exists within society. The Rotary Club of Mathura Central’s initiative stands as a testament to the power of community, empathy, and collective action. As the beneficiaries of their kindness rebuild their lives, they will carry with them the memory of a community that extended a helping hand when it was needed the most.

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